Havsala: Into the Soul Palace Download

Havsala Into the Soul Palace Download

Havsala: Into the Soul Palace Download: Havsala is a game where you search for historical references and mystical items in the room that were left behind by past souls. The more puzzles solved, the deeper into your own soul palace it will take place!

About This Game:

Growing up in an old, abandoned building with no windows gives you a sense of isolation and solitude that many children never experience. The only light coming from your room comes through the shadows on these walls which make them feel like they’re penetrating deep into one’s soul; this feeling is amplified when looking at all those bookshelves filled to overflowing—you know there must be more hidden away inside each page than what meets eye… but finding them will require exploring every nook imaginable!

Havsala Into the Soul Palace Download

Havsala: Into the Soul Palace is an intriguing game where you interact with different parts of a room using your mouse, and read diaries and books that were found along the way. There’s also a note-taking system in this mystery-solving adventure for those who want more than just the pure brainpower needed to solve challenges!

Havsala was a woman who loved herself and life. She didn’t want to perish so she decided to build her nest in the depths of her Soul Palace where it would be remembered after death, even though many different bodies.

Havsala Into the Soul Palace Download

A beautiful phoenix bird found its way into this world as well-a a creature with wings made from the fire that could understand human thoughts because they were both alive yet not really here anymore; only their souls existed while everything else withered away around them ̓to make room for more growth…

This is not your average tour, but a journey into the Soul Palace that she has built. Search for hidden messages and objects in these works of art created by souls who came before her to share their secrets with you on this strange new land filled only silence-the soundless Library where they left books containing wisdom unwanted yet necessary knowledge crucial toward solving puzzles vital towards

Havsala Into the Soul Palace Download

progress; look out onto an empty space beyond words as stars twinkle above us without light pollution while we take time away from all distractions save thoughts themselves -for what other way can there ever truly be peace?

System Requirements:


  • OS: Wind 7 or Newer Version of windows
  • Cpu Processor: Core 2 Duo or Better one of AMD
  • Graphics: NVidia 1 Gega Byte Vram Card
  • RAM: 2 Gega Byte or more
  • Disk Space: 1 Gega Byte Hard Disk Space
Havsala: Into the Soul Palace Download Links:

How to Install:

  • Extract the downloaded file
  • Then find the crack folder (if the game doesn’t have crack ten just run the game) and then open it and copy all files
  • Simply paste all the files in directory of your game
  • Then the game is your’s